Safe antifreeze made from food additive and nanoparticles

Toxic chemicals can be replaced with propylene glycol and tiny metal particles. A special formula is proposed by the American company ACTA Technologyhave, which replaced ethylene glycol with a food additive propylene glycol and added some specific nanoparticles to improve the properties of the antifreeze mixture (this made antifreeze safer, more environmentally friendly and more functional than many products on the market). The Russian company NPP Spetsavia also promotes propylene glycol as the basis for antifreezes, including antifreezes, which are used for heating, ventilation and air conditioning of residential buildings and public buildings. The manufacturer’s website even has a comparative table of the characteristics of propylene glycol and ethylene glycol..

Companies make antifreeze based on different components. The aforementioned American manufacturers suggest replacing ethylene glycol in antifreezes and deicing agents with a food additive with propylene glycol and adding nanoparticles to the mixture. Although ethylene glycol is poisonous, it has a sweetish taste, which is why pets and children, as well as wild animals, are often poisoned. Propylene glycol in antifreeze is relatively safe, moreover, although it is called a harmful food additive, it is still an acceptable food additive (E1520). This substance is added to both food and cosmetics (it allows them to retain moisture). In a number of industries, propylene glycol is already used as a constituent of antifreeze, for example, in food production, but its viscous, syrupy consistency complicates its use in a wide range, so the aforementioned company from the United States has been working on ways to make it easier and more convenient for everyone. types of antifreeze. They added metal oxides to the nanoparticles, which lowered the viscosity of propylene glycol..

With nanoparticles and propylene glycol, antifreeze works well and is non-toxic. In any case, ethylene glycol is very harmful to nature and damages the environment quite badly. This is not to say that propylene glycol is 100% environmentally friendly, but its effect is several times less..
