How to independently drill a well?

Water is the source of life. This phrase has been known for a long time, and it is more relevant than ever. Why, you ask. Indeed, at present, in the world of modern technologies, which contains a large number of innovative technologies, concepts and developments, it is at least not relevant to talk about a shortage of any product. However, everything is exactly the opposite. The world is in dire need of clean water. There is a huge shortage of water and clean water in the world. After all, it is pure water that is of interest to us. This issue becomes especially relevant in such arid countries as Africa. It is here that water extraction is almost impossible. However, the problem of lack of clean water is acute not only in this country, but also in many others. Mother nature comes to the rescue. Nature has taken care of the availability of underground waters that feed all living things.

And man learned to cultivate the land and take care of it. He learned how to get water. First of all, it is digging wells. To date, digging wells costs a lot of money, so I suggest you study the material on how to independently extract clean water.

At the initial stage, it is necessary to carry out surveys that will help to identify the places of occurrence of water, in which place it is necessary to dig. After the work is done, the water must be submitted for examination in order to examine it and obtain an expert opinion on the presence of elements that water contains, including harmful ones..

If all is well, we proceed to the actual drilling of the well. A well for water with your own hands is not difficult. All work is reduced to the fact that it is necessary to dig a hole in the ground. To do this, first, they dig a hole with a size of 1.5×1.5 m, and a depth of 2 m.In order to prevent the soil from shedding into the water, it is necessary to sheathe the walls of the pit with a dense wooden crate.

The next step is to produce an oil rig. To do this, you need to fasten three logs above the pit in the form of a tripod, which will ensure the stability of the structure. After such work, it’s time to choose a drilling tool and carry out drilling operations directly in order to produce clean water..
