Useful tips for choosing a drug that will help in the fight against alcohol addiction

Are you struggling with your alcohol addiction? It seems that there is no way out of this situation? Pay attention to esperal, because this tool makes it possible to stop drinking alcohol. Esperal is sewn under the skin, so that it begins to act immediately.

What is an alcohol insert?

This substance is also known as disulfiram. The drug effectively fights alcohol addiction. Esperal will give you the opportunity to forget about alcohol once and for all. The insert will allow you to take control of your life, enjoy sobriety and great well-being.

An alcohol insert is an implant that is sewn under the skin. The substance will be released into the blood, it is neutral for the body until a person consumes alcohol. Acetaldehyde will accumulate in the liver, which will lead to various ailments. In addition, drinking alcohol causes vomiting, insomnia, and excessive sweating. You should not break the rules, because Esperal can lead to more serious consequences.

How is the procedure carried out?

The first thing to do is to make an appointment with the clinic. The patient is given anesthesia, the drug is injected under the skin. Anesthesia will make it possible to eliminate pain during the manipulation.

The tablet must be implanted between the fascia and the gluteal muscle. Very rarely, the drug is injected into the arm or shoulder blade. The incision usually does not exceed one centimeter, so that people around will not notice it. When the drug is applied, specialists will apply a bandage and stitches. If the stitches do not dissolve, you need to visit the doctor ten days after the procedure to have them removed.

Be sure to pay attention to Esperal, as this is your opportunity to give up addiction as quickly and efficiently as possible!

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