Chaika estimated corruption damage at 21 billion rubles

According to the Interfax news agency, the damage caused to the state by corruption is estimated at 21 billion rubles. This amount was announced in the State Duma by Yuri Chaika, the country’s prosecutor general. He said, in particular, that over the past year, about 49,000 attacks on corruption were identified. This figure is more than a quarter higher than in 2011. The number of persons involved in these actions also exceeds the indicators of the year before last by 13%. The most significant growth is observed in the category of crimes that caused either large or especially large damage to the state — their number increased by 80 (!!!)%.

As the Prosecutor General said, 83,000 violations were revealed in the segment of conducting and organizing public procurement, 343 cases were initiated on these crimes. The Prosecutor General was supplemented by Alexander Bastrykin, the head of the Investigative Committee, who said that although there is a decrease in crime by 4%, in general throughout the country, the number of corruption crimes continues to grow, for the year this growth amounted to almost 50 thousand.

About 800 persons who had a special legal status were brought to criminal responsibility for these offenses, among them: 600 were deputies of different regional levels, and 15 were investigators of the Investigative Committee. Also, six judges were brought to criminal responsibility. According to both Bastrykin and Chaika, the announced figures do not reflect the full picture of the spread of corruption..

At the «government hour» in the State Duma, the problem of corruption in the Ministry of Defense was also discussed. As Chaika said, to date, 25 cases have already been combined into one proceedings on the facts of fraud in the Oboronservis holding. The damage that has been calculated for this time from this fraud is at least five billion rubles. Bastrykin also told the deputies that the rate of detection for crimes related to harm to health and murder in Russia is 86%, and in some regions it is moving towards one hundred percent..

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